Delicious French Eclairs

This summer we were staying at Le Grand Paris in Nesles-la-Vallée, close to Paris, in France. The campsite didn’t have a shop, so we were dependent on going into the village for supplies. Nesles-la-Vallée had a couple of small supermarkets, in addition they were two boulangeries and a charcuterie. It was nice to buy baguettes and breakfast pastries from the boulangerie.

One day I also bought some delicious fresh eclairs from there as well.

I got four versions, a vanilla eclair, one chocolate, a pistachio, I also got a Paris Nesles, which a local speciality eclair with almonds.

I had the pistachio eclair and the Paris Nesles. They were both delicious. My son had the chocolate and vanilla eclairs. The chocolate version had a chocolate cream, which was different to the usual fresh cream. The vanilla one had vanilla cream, and as you might have guessed the filling of the other two. The Paris Nesles did though also have a layer of chocolate ganache as well as an almond filling.

These were delicious and lovely patisserie. I could have bought loads of cakes from there.