At the Boathouse


I have passed the Boathouse Bar and Bistro at the Uphill boatyard many times, but most of the time I have, it has been in the evening, and it has been closed. It usually closes at 4pm and 5pm at weekends.

So on a recent stroll around Uphill I decided I would stop for a coffee and try the Boathouse out.

It was quite busy and bustling when I arrived late morning, there was no queue though. I ordered my flat white and then took a seat at a table. They do, what I always prefer, to bring my coffee over to me, rather than wait at the counter until it is made.

The Boathouse is in a building which use to be a yacht chandlers, there are still signs of that in the place.

It wasn’t long before my coffee arrived, it was a well made flat white and tasted great. I spent time drinking my coffee and working on my phone. There is no wifi, and to be honest not much of a phone signal either. I think next time I will take a notebook and a pen and work in that way.

Overall a really nice coffee, good service and a pleasant environment.

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