It is traditional in our house to have the Christmas Dinner on Christmas Eve. For the last few years we have had our big Christmas dinner (with all the trimmings) on the day before. That way I can relax and enjoy the cooking, the children will enjoy helping and eating the meal and there will be no rushing off to play with new toys…
On the big day itself we ate cold roast and we had a game pie in the fridge.
Tradition? Well it’s now our tradition and it’s perfect if you have children in the house.
For Christmas (Eve) Dinner we had a three bird roast, a small joint of beef and a boneless rolled shoulder of lamb. Though I think I may have overcooked them all slightly, the beef and lamb were very tender, however the three bird roast, though very nice, felt a little dry. The vegetable accompaniments worked well and the meal was enjoyed by all.
I understand the reasoning but for me part of the day has now become how the family can minimalise the stress on Christmas Day. So far so good for us. But Christmas should be how personalise tradition. I am glad yours works for you. 🙂
I overcooked out turkey too James! it was such a fit looking bird (organic free range) with no fat at all so I didn’t realise it was cooking it still looked raw. We ate at 8.30 pm!!. Delicious but yes a bit on the dry side for the white meat. We just finished eating the carcass as a gorgeous herby stew yesterday; my favourite meal of the year.
Hope you are having a lovely holiday;sad news though via Facebook today as Tom Cooper (Lewisham ICT lead) has died. we’re all a bit shocked.