BBC reports on possible pork contamination:
All pork products made in the Irish Republic since September have been recalled over fears they are contaminated with a toxic substance.
The action was taken after dioxins were found in slaughtered pigs thought to have eaten contaminated feed.
Tests showed some pork products contained up to 200 times more dioxins than the recognised safety limit.
Why am I concerned?
Well I do like Paul Rankin’s Irish Pork Sausages.
I just ate some before the news stories etc…. they are produced in Northern Ireland, which isn’t a huge place and 9 farms there have been closed down with the poison…. not good. I can’t believe Ocado are still selling them on their website. SHould be more serious than this…
Yes, what the hell is going on with the food standards these days.
I have a 9 year old son who is a very fussy eater and has been eating
“Paul Rankin” sausages twice a week for months.
For Gods sake, you shop at premium store Waitrose, you try to buy your
kids a premium product with a high pork low salt ingredients, and this
is what ends up happening. I am disgusted with the greed and corruption
of the food industry. What am I supposed to do? The official line from the
food standards agency is there is very little risk, yes well thats what they said
about the BSE fiasco, its the same old story profit and greed before human
and probably animal welfare.