Well my plan for a Christmas Four Bird Roast was scuppered this year. I had intended to order one from Marks and Spencers which consisted of Turkey, Goose, Duck, Chicken.
However when I went to order it was apparent that many others had had the same idea and it had sold out! I am guessing that a) a lot of people were like me and liked the concept b) the Marks and Spencers version was good value for money at £100. There was no way you could even do it yourself for £100. Waitrose’s version was £120 and only consisted of a three bird roast.
So instead…
We’re going to have (separately) chicken, duck and venison.
well i made a four bird roast consisting of chicken,duck, pheashant ,wood pigeon and stuffing cost me £2.95 for chick got the rest off a shooot tasted great i think shops are charging over the odds