I much prefer unsalted crisps, however I am having real problems buying them locally.
True I can buy Smiths (actually Walkers) unsalted Salt ‘n’ Shake crisps, but I much prefer the traditionally cooked crisps you can buy.
In theory Tyrells, Kettle and Burts make unsalted crisps, but though my local suppliers have other flavours they no longer stock the unsalted versions.
The Tayto Group manufactures traditional crisps at its N Ireland and South Wales factories. Although we don’t make unsalted ones, we can arrange a special box to be made for you.
Please email me if you want some. Stephen Hutchinson
According to Ocado, Waitrose do unsalted crisps: http://www.ocado.com/webshop/product/Reduced-Fat-Crinkle-Unsalted-Crisps-essential-Waitrose/38327011