Over the last few months I have got into a habit of making and baking my own bread.
I don’t use a bread maker, all done by hand, but sometimes I will use a bread mix. The key I find is, both good kneading and letting the dough rise.
I use to think that making bread was too much effort, but as with any cooking technique, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Yes I make mistakes, but generally the bread making process is quick and the results very tasty.
My personal preference is for more rustic breads, sometimes with seeds or wheat flakes. However I also quite like making ciabatta style bread, including dough sticks. I have also made olive bread.
I have a couple of loaf tins for baking, but these aren’t essential. In theory you can use cake tins.
So do you bake your own bread? Do you have a favourite recipe?