If you read this blog you will know that I am a fan of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s recipes (and his books as well).
However I did not think much of his recent breakfast column in the Guardian today.
Fruity, nutty bread, herby baked eggs and savoury drop scones invite you to linger, put on another pot of coffee, read all of the paper, throw more logs on the fire. Perhaps you’ll enjoy it so much you’ll make a date with yourself to do it more often.
Sorry didn’t appeal to me.
I do agree with Hugh over rushing breakfast, it is important not to eat a hastily spooned bowl of cereal or a slice of toast nibbled as you walk to the car.
As I got a decent pancake pan for Christmas, I have been using it to make omelettes for breakfast.
In order to make an omelette you need to break some eggs, whisk together. Some people add water, others add milk, I add nothing. I also use organic free-range eggs as they taste much better than cheap eggs.
Heat the pan, add a little oil or butter. Add the whisked egg (three eggs if you must ask). As the eggs set add a filling if you so choose. I normally grate a little cheese on, sometimes some lightly cooked mushrooms.
Once the eggs are nearly set (they will continue to cook on the plate) slide and flip onto a plate.
Serve with some granary toast and fresh coffee.
Now that’s what I call a breakfast!