There is something about blue food (well here in the UK anyhow) that means it doesn’t really appeal.
There never use to be blue smarties before someone noticed that the Germans had blue smarties!
Druckers, the coffee chain, use to sell a variety of Italian ice creams, one of which was a blue banana flavoured ice cream.
Why it was blue, I do not know, but blue it was.
Now I don’t like blue ice cream, but someone in my house does, he is three! He has been asking for it!
It appears after asking that Druckers won’t be getting anymore in. I did try Patisserie Valerie, both it and Druckers are owned by the same parent company, and after a web search I did find that at one time, Patisserie Valerie also sold blue ice cream. It now appears like Druckers that they don’t sell it anymore!
So no ice cream that is the colour blue. What am I to do?