Time for some homemade Hummus

chick peas
Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay

Having got a food processor for Christmas a few years ago,  I use it quite often to make homemade hummus. I would probably make it more often, but don’t always have the ingredients in the cupboard.

I used this as the recipe for the hummus. It is based on my usual recipe, but as I didn’t have any lemons, so I used a lime instead. I used puréed garlic from a tube, as it was easier and quicker than using

400g can chickpeas, drained
60ml extra virgin olive oil
50ml water
1 teaspoon of purred garlic
1 lime, juiced.
3 spoonfuls of tahini

Drain and rinse the chickpeas in cold running water, and then place in the food processor with the olive oil.

Blitz until you get an almost smooth consistency. Then add the garlic puree, lime juice, tahini and 30ml of water. Blitz again until you have a smooth creamy texture. You can add more water if it is too  thick. Season and then transfer to a bowl.

Served with warm flatbread and chargrilled chicken.

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